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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Statistica e Data Science
Home page > Degree Program > Contacts, offices and classrooms

Contacts, offices and classrooms

Degree program in Statstics, Actuarial and Financial Sciences

President Prof. Leonardo Grilli

Vice President Prof.ssa Carla Rampichini


Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni "Giuseppe Parenti" (DiSIA)
viale Morgagni 59 - 50134 Firenze (FI)
Email: disia(AT)
Tel: +39 055 2751500 (reception) - Fax: +39 055 2751525

Info for incoming students 

Campuses of the University of Florence and transportation



Lectures will be held at Centro Didattico Morgagni in Viale Morgagni, 40/44, in the area of Careggi. Some lectures will be held at Scuola di Economia e Management, Polo di Novoli, via delle Pandette. Computer labs are located at DiSIA (norme di accesso alle aule del DiSIA).

To check whether a classroom is available: occupazione aule



Students wishing to enrol must send the form to this office. Moreover, the office is in charge of issues related to study plans. Segreteria didattica: information

Ms. Anna Maria Gaggioli
School of Economics and Management, Polo delle Scienze Sociali, via delle Pandette 32, Firenze.
Tel. +39 055 2759027
Email: lmstat(AT)

Tel. 055 2759027
Mon. 11.00-12.30; Tue. 15.00-16.30; Fri. 9.00-10.30



The office offers a guide to students in administrative procedures (matriculation, certificates etc). For office’s address and information: Student Administration Offices - versione italiana

last update: 21-July-2021
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