Useful links
- Students - UniFI
- Right to Education (Diritto allo Studio Universitario - DSU): the organization 'DSU Tuscany' offers services (canteens, orientation, culture) to all students of the region and assigns, through competition, benefits (scholarships, housing, financial contributions) to those who are capable and deserving, but are in financial need.
- University Language Centre (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo - CLA): it organizes general courses (Praxis) and special courses in French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Italian for foreigners.
- Web mail Unifi: all students enrolled at the Florence university (excluding 1 year master, individual courses and specialization courses) recieve a personal email account offered by the institution for communications with the University. After the assignation all communication of the University occur on that email account.
- Student Administration Offices: how to know the days and hours of opening to the public and services provided by each student office. Versione italiana
- FAQ (UniFI, in Italian)
- Glossary (UniFI, in Italian)
last update: 30-May-2019