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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Statistica e Data Science
Home page > Courses > Info for incoming international students

Info for incoming international students

The courses are offered in two teachig periods: first semester (mid September to mid December, exams from December to Februrary) and second semester (last week of February to end of May, exams in June-July plus September).

In the following we report a list of courses of academic year 2022/23 that are suitable for foreign students. Notes:

  • Each course has a link to the syllabus of the current academic year: unless explicitly noted, you can assume that the syllabus for next year is essentially unchanged. If a syllabus is empty, please contact the Director of the degree program (see below).
  • The teaching language is English, except where noted; for courses in Italian, the lessons are in Italian, while the material (slides, excercises etc.) is in English (and the teacher can communicate in English with international students).
  • Before defining the learning agreement it is strongly suggested to contact the Director of the degree program Prof. Leonardo Grilli (email: leonardo.grilli(AT)

Courses of academic year 2022/23 - first semester:

Courses of academic year 2022/23 - second semester:

last update: 12-June-2023
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