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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Statistica e Data Science

Study plan

For the study plan and allied teachings list consult the academic regulation (regolamento didattico) of the year of enrolment.

  • Study plan for students enrolled in 2018 (pdf)
  • Study plan for students enrolled in 2017 (pdf)
  • Study plan for students enrolled in 2016 (pdf)
  • Study plan for students enrolled in 2015 (pdf)



Prof. Leonardo Grilli
viale Morgagni 59 room no. 9 (first floor)
Email: leonardo.grilli(AT) - Tel. 055 2751552


Student of the master's program needs to compile his/her study plan during the first year of studies. 

Student can modify his/her study plan, also after the approval, following the same process and deadlines provided for the first compilation.

There are two periods for compiling the study plan, usually in November and in April. Students can compile only one study plan in each academic year.

  • If the chosen study plan results approvable after registration, student must print out a copy for memory. This copy does not required to be delivered to any office.
  • If the plan you choose results not approvable, student still has to REGISTER (click on SAVE), to print out a copy and to reserve an appointment with one of the referrals for study plan of their course of study. After that, student will bring this copy to the referent.

Note: Plans that are not registered are considered not presented, thus they will not be reviewed, corrected and approved from the referent.

Online procedure for submitting a study plan


Extraordinary procedure for amending the plan of study reserved for graduating students:

Article. 17, paragraph 4 of the Academic Regulations states that "In cases of necessity and urgency, adequately substantiated, the student can apply for a variation to the plan of study approved at least thirty days prior to the submission of the thesis application to the segreteria studenti.

The request form for extraordinary change in the Plan must be completed and submitted to the segreteria studenti. The approval of the request competes to the Council / Committee of the course of study. In the evaluation of the application, the committee will also consider the elements of necessity and urgency that necessarily must support the use of the special procedure for amendment of the Plan.

last update: 20-June-2019
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