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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Statistica e Data Science

How to graduate (thesis)

General information for students about to graduate

To be admitted to the discussion of the Master thesis, the student must have acquired all the credits required by the regulation of their degree course (except the credits for the thesis), have to be in compliance with taxes, and in possession of nulla osta by the supervisor of thesis.


Please note:

The application for changes to the study plan cannot be submitted at the same time or after the application of the thesis. Student, before applying for a thesis must make sure that his/her last and final study plan has been approved.

Graduating students must submit to the Segreteria studenti, within the mandatory deadlines in the specific calendar (available in Come si fa per laurearsi), the documentation described in the section What to do for admission to the final exam (in Italian).

Student can submit the application for graduation even if he/she has still three exams to pass, beyond internship or laboratory. In this case the missing exams must still be passed no later than the date specified in the schedule of the thesis and deadlines.

If these conditions are not met, the application will not be taken into account.


Final examination

The committee for the final exam consist of at least seven teachers. The final mark is expressed in a scale with a maximum at 110. The mark 110 can be with honors. Calculation of the weighted average is defined as the sum of the product of the vote of each examination and the credits (cfu) associated with it, divided by total credits.


How to enroll for thesis


For further details please check also the following links:

Come si fa per laurearsi (in Italian)

Criteri di attribuzione del voto finale (in Italian)

last update: 30-May-2019
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